Tuesday, May 22, 2012


May 20th was Election Sunday here in the Dominican Republic.  For the past year we have been seeing the campain efforts of the canditates in the form of posters, houses being painted in the parties' colors, street rallies, and flatbed trucks covered in speakers blasting speeches and music.  There were two clear front runners from the beginning: Hipolito (nick name, Papa) and Danilo.  The elections were held in schools across the country, including La Hoya and Bombita COPA schools.  Starting around 6:30 that morning people started showing up to vote, and it would have been much earlier had it not been raining.  From that time on, the street outside the La Hoya school was packed with people waiting to hear results.  Some were singing, dancing, debating, and rapping, but most were just haning around talking.  The energy was tangible and every once in a while some one would shout out the name of their favored candidate, spuring a new wave of yelling and cheering.  We were not permited to take pictures inside to see the poling, but here is a view of our street.  

Danilo won by the way....